Acknowledging 6 Years of Bringing Our Children Home

As we acknowledge the First Nations Family Advocate Office (FNFAO) and 6 years of Bringing Our Children Home, we would also like to acknowledge and honor our First Nations families for their courage to fight a system that was not made for them.

Since the inception of the FNFAO, we have supported over 2400 families in navigating the system including reunifying 686 children with their families; avoiding 463 children from being apprehended from their families; and avoided 463 newborn apprehensions. First Nations parents come to the FNFAO overwhelmed with suffering and grief from being helplessly separated from their beautiful and sacred gifts, their children.

There is no greater torment than to have your child forcibly removed from your care. Our First Nations parents and grandparents have worked hard on processing all the information that is involved with getting to know how the colonial system works.

The Child Welfare system is a shaming system that condemns our First Nations people. Here at the FNFAO, we celebrate the parents and grandparents, and every member of our Nations are valued and treasured.

The FNFAO would like to thank our parents and grandparents for moving forward and for choosing us to be part of their journey. It is an honor to know their strength and their resiliency.

Many Meegwiches, Kinanaskomitin!