Five staff at the First Nations Family Advocate Office in Manitoba fasted from sunrise to sunset yesterday in recognition of Human Rights Day. Jennifer Chartrand, Jeneen Dederick, Lana McKay, Stephanie Sinclair, and Lorie Thompson all took part in this ceremony in support of improved treatment for First Nations families in Manitoba.

“On Human Rights Day my colleagues fasted to help shine a light on the human rights harms that continue to be imposed upon First Nations citizens in Manitoba,” said First Nations Family Advocate Cora Morgan.
“First Nations families continue to experience apprehension of their babies and children at a significantly higher rate than non-Indigenous families in Manitoba. These apprehensions have often happened for reasons such as family poverty or a lack of ability to access comprehensive medical treatment for children living with complex health issues—we are looking forward to this practice ending for First Nations families in Manitoba.”
First Nations have fasted in ceremony since time immemorial in order to seek guidance for specific purpose. Staff from our office fasted during a time when we are moving forward with the Bringing Our Children Home Act, a recently drafted law that will help First Nations to restore their sovereignty and jurisdiction to care for and protect their children. This law will help First Nations families raise their children supported by and surrounded with their culture and language.
On December 10, 1948, Canada adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Yesterday was the 70th anniversary since the Declaration was signed, which proclaims the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being, regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, etc.
The First Nations Family Advocate Office works with parents, grandparents, and caregivers who are seek support within the Child and Family Services system in Manitoba. People who want to access our services can visit our website or phone 204.957.8450 or 1.855.996.9989 (toll free) for more information.